Input / Mentoring / Dramaturg

I have over 45 years experience of working collaboratively in theatre, performance, dance, music, film and art projects - both in creating my own work but also work­ing as a free­lance per­former, di­rec­tor, ad­vi­sor, dra­matug or mu­si­cian with a variety of other artists and groups.

I have taught, lead workshops and mentored students at the Zhdk in Zurich, HKB Bern and La Manufacture in Lausanne.

In 2021, I was one of the theatre mentors for dou­ble  - a mentoring and coaching programme from Migros-Kulturprozent. and, in 2023, I was a mentor for Hewar The­ater's So-Low project for emerging artists in Alexandria, Egypt.

If you would like some input or support for your project as an outside-eye, dramaturg, co-writer, director, sparring-partner, loose cannon or spare mind, then please get in touch and we should talk.